procurement management


Gain control of your buying procedures and
automate the receipt of goods received process.

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Centralise all purchasing information

Bring together your suppliers and the purchases you make by centralising all purchasing information into one location. TCES Community integrates seamlessly with a variety of ERP systems such as Oracle and Sage, enabling a full loop solution and eliminating the need for double data entries into two separate systems.

The module can be used for all your purchasing requirements:

  • Community equipment stock purchasing, including specials
  • Internal stock such as stationary and IT equipment
purchasing module screenshot on laptop
purchasing module screenshot on desktop computer

Keep track of every order with ease

When using this module, purchase orders can be created with ease and sent to a preferred supplier, ensuring you always have a record of what’s being purchased. The creation of purchase orders will enable you to keep track of current orders in real time, which is key to customising workflows and increasing cost efficiencies.

From start to finish you can ensure your financial system is updated in real-time, track all purchasing activities, view when an order is accepted, an invoice is created and the goods are received.

Benefit from...

Real-time tracking of purchase orders

Closed loop financials

An automated goods received process

Accurate analytical reporting capabilities

Full audit trails

Correlation between stock going out and coming in, resulting in better purchasing decisions

Streamlined procurement processes resulting in real-time harmonisation with the other areas of your service