

Single sign on using Azure and Microsoft AD technologies

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Register your users securely

Let our team import all user data from your active directory and enable the user account generation process to begin. As well as matching to your on-site domain all your users will have to have secure application ID’s and secure answers before they are registered within TCES Community.

Access TCES Community by the click of a button

Once a user accesses the application, they will be presented with a Microsoft login. This will communicate with your active directory and the login will be validated.

On successful authentication the user will be logged into the interface and on return they will be able to automatically access the system without the need to re-enter their details.

Laptop Computer with Data protection, Cyber security, information
padlock icon

Make changes with ease

If an email address for a user has changed, in order to maintain the link between TCES Community all that is required is for an administrator to alter the users account accordingly.


  • Quicker system access
  • Ensure safe and secure system access
  • Eliminate the need to remember system password