

Track referral, assessment and appointment activity

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Falls, Adaptations & Telecare

Offering a holistic approach to Referral Services this module aims to bring practitioners an automated, streamlined way of working. The system ensures every aspect of an episode of care is recorded, from referrals, assessments, appointments and client outcomes. All information can be viewed and updated, ensuring there is a complete audit trail for every client who has been referred to the service.

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TCES Community enables the creation of e-referrals whether it is the service inputting the information from a referral that has been emailed/faxed/posted or GPs, accredited assessors/trusted referrers, referring in from the TCES portal; which can be linked to patient record systems using an API. The system automates the referral process removing the need for paper and ensuring a digital audit trail.

TCES Referrals Process:

  • Search for a patient. If the patient is not known to the service a new patient will need to be created.
  • Create a new e-referral (Referral forms will be re-created online in XML, so information required will be created along with any mandatory questions, limiting the number of returned referrals with incomplete information).
  • Triage options. Common headings are National Priority, attendees, clinic or home visit.

There are multiple pathways from this point including but not limited to;

    • Booking appointment
    • Pause/stop the clock
    • Send communication for ineligibility
    • Create assessments
    • Order standard equipment/accessories
    • Outcome management

All activities pertaining to the referral can be navigated to from the referral screen, along with a full audit timeline and any changes to the referral.

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Appointments and Diary

Clinics can be configured within the TCES Community platform allowing for easy booking with slot allocation ensuring each clinic runs to capacity, clinicians diaries and home visits can be booked and viewed on the interface or within the TCES Clinical App allowing for assessing on the go.

Smart calendar ensures clinicians annual leave and working days are easily viewable. This guarantees visits aren’t booked when the clinician isn’t available or another visit is arranged.

SMS and letter generation comes as standard when booking a visit meaning service users are informed and reminded of their appointment.

Pause/Stop Clock

At times there may be unforeseen circumstances why an episode of care will need to be paused or stopped, the referral services module automates pausing or stopping for reasons configured to the contract, which can include;

  • A client is clinically unwell or lacks mental capacity
  • Admission to hospital
  • Client declines hospital treatment
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